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Boring Dice

Dice Roller App for iOS
Requires iOS 16+

Boring Dice is the perfect app to roll the dice in a simple and fun way. With Boring Dice, you can choose your favorite color and roll as many dice as you want with just one tap.


  • Why should you choose our dice roll app over the others out there?

    Because we believe in rolling with style! Unlike those run-of-the-mill dice roll apps, we've put in the extra effort to incorporate cutting-edge algorithms that guarantee truly random dice rolls. No more settling for mediocre randomness!

  • Are the dice rolls in the app as random as your crazy uncle's dance moves?

    Let's just say they're so random, they make chaos theory jealous. We've employed custom industry algorithms that will keep you guessing every time you roll the dice. Brace yourself for randomness like you've never experienced before!

  • Can you give the dice a personal touch?

    Absolutely! We've made sure our app caters to your unique style. Customize your dice to your heart's content. Choose the number of dice you want to roll and pick from a variety of cool themes that suit your fancy.

  • How many dice can you roll at once?

    Now, we must admit that we're starting modestly in the dice department. For now, you can roll two dice simultaneously. But hey, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was our dice empire.

  • Is this app going to drain my bank account with in-app purchases?

    No, our app doesn't have any in-app purchases. It's just good old-fashioned dice rolling fun, free of charge.

  • Where can I send feedback, feature requests and/or complaints?


  • Where can I find the changelog?

    In the App Store under "Version History".


You can reach us at [email protected] for support.